
Floor Plans & Event Space

在充满活力的夏洛特市发现室内和室外活动空间的完美融合, North Carolina. 我们的万豪豪华精选酒店提供一系列独特的平面图和多功能活动空间,以满足您的各种需求. 无论你是在主持一个公司会议, training session, elegant dinner, brunch, afternoon tea, 甚至是寻求享乐的群体体验, 我们为您准备了理想的环境.

走出户外,尽情享受我们令人惊叹的户外场所, 郁郁葱葱的花园和风景如画的风景为难忘的聚会奠定了基础. 沐浴在夏洛特的阳光,你品尝美味的美食, 或者通过团体瑜伽课程和参与活动来放松身心,促进团队关系和幸福感.

Inside, 我们精心设计的室内活动空间体现了精致和优雅, 确保无缝和难忘的体验. 让自己沉浸在一个无可挑剔的服务和对细节的关注的世界中,因为我们的专业团队会超越并将您的愿景变为现实.

对卓越的承诺和创造非凡事件的热情, 我们的平面图和活动空间为您的独特场合提供完美的画布. 相信我们会把你的聚会提升到一个新的高度,给你的客人留下持久的印象.

在我们位于夏洛特的万豪豪华精选酒店,释放各种可能性,解锁难忘的时刻. 与我们一起预订您的下一个活动,体验服务,风格和精致的缩影.

The Ballantyne™

Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
6230 567 400 500 600 -- 280 90 280
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
1356 -- 60 400 -- -- -- -- --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
4237 -- 250 350 400 -- -- -- --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
3510 324 180 200 220 40 110 52 112
卡罗莱纳会议和活动地点在巴兰坦, 豪华精选酒店, 北卡罗来纳州夏洛特|豪华酒店|豪华度假村|水疗|高尔夫|餐饮|婚礼|会议
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
1932 210 120 150 160 36 72 28 72
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
2624 250 -- 75 -- -- -- -- --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
1456 136 100 120 125 40 60 46 48


Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
351 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8 --
在巴兰坦俯瞰会议和活动室, 豪华精选酒店, 北卡罗来纳州夏洛特|豪华酒店|豪华度假村|水疗|高尔夫|餐饮|婚礼|会议
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
1350 125 90 100 120 36 48 40 56
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
1008 93 50 60 80 24 32 34 32
巴兰坦酒店的大房间, 豪华精选酒店, 北卡罗来纳州夏洛特|豪华酒店|豪华度假村|水疗|高尔夫|餐饮|婚礼|会议
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
972 88 90 150 -- -- -- -- --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
450 36 14 18 20 12 16 14 --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
324 25 14 18 20 12 16 14 --
夏洛特Ballantyne的Bissell Harris活动场地
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
324 25 14 18 20 12 16 14 --
在Ballantyne的董事会会议和活动场地, 豪华精选酒店, 北卡罗来纳州夏洛特|豪华酒店|豪华度假村|水疗|高尔夫|餐饮|婚礼|会议
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
351 32 12 -- -- -- -- 12 --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
351 32 -- -- -- -- -- 12 --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
364 32 12 -- -- -- -- 12 --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
792 60 60 100 100 -- -- -- --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
8000 -- 500 600 500 -- -- -- --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
902 75 -- -- -- -- -- -- --

The Lodge

Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
2340 216 150 200 250 -- -- -- --
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
1989 192 100 100 170 34 80 34 64
Size (sq. ft)
Size (m) Dinner Reception Theatre U-Shape Classroom Conference Crescent
460 42 -- -- -- 16 20 16 16


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